Equifax Data Breach - PR Nightmare - 2017 (October 10th 2017)

EQUIFAX PR CRISIS As many of you are well aware of by now (September 14th, 2017), Equifax had a major security breach in July, that they did not notify the public about until August of this year. When signing up to see if you were hacked at the website they recommended, be very careful as they have added a clause which would limit your participation in a class action law suit, which is surely on the way. The company has made a series of PR mistakes along the way- and it's expected they will look after their stock price before taking care of their hacked customers. Educate yourself, and keep an eye on your credit card, and credit reports! Visit the FTC site for more info on the status of this PR Nightmare, hopefully Equifax has a Crisis Management or Crisis Communication team on call 24 hours a day for the next, well, forever! (updated October 10th 2017) Well it looks like the fight isn't quite over for Equifax. It would appear that their beloved CEO and much of their commun...