Apple Fires Back at Microsoft's "Laptop Hunter" Ads with Megan

For awhile Microsoft's "Laptop Hunter" ads were taking the cake against Apple, showing people who choose PCs over Macs. Finally, Apple has made a comeback directly responding to the Microsoft "Laptop Hunter" ads with their latest ad "Elimination" featuring Megan, a girl looking for her dream computer.

In the latest ad, Megan describes her specifications to the Microsoft and Apple guys. One by one, the Microsoft team leaves as they fail to meet her requirements.

As if we didn't see it coming, Megan is left with a Mac as the perfect computer for her.

While some of the claims made against Microsoft are not entirely accurate, one claim that defintiely shines is that PCs with Windows are not protected from malware as well as Apple Macs are. Checkout the ad after the jump.

applead from Gizmodo on Vimeo.


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