Prince Charles Is Our Captain Planet

Prince Charles has joined the club of politicians and celebrities aggressively attacking environmental and economical concerns by publishing a book and documentary film called "Harmony" which is set to be published sometime in 2010. The book "Harmony" seems follow on the same path as Al Gore's eco documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth" and Leonardo DiCaprio's film "The 11th Hour." The documentary will be produced by Balcony Films while the book is being published by HarperCOllins in collaboration wtih co-others Ian Skelly and Tony Juniper

To go even further, the author's fee will be waived and all royalties will be donated to his charity, The Prince's Trust which
In a statement the Prince said,
"I believe that true 'sustainability' depends fundamentally upon us shifting our perception and widening our focus, so that we understand, again, that we have a sacred duty of stewardship of the natural order of things," said the prince in a statement yesterday. "In some of our actions we now behave as if we were 'masters of nature' and, in others, as mere bystanders. If we could rediscover that sense of harmony; that sense of being a part of, rather than apart from nature, we would perhaps be less likely to see the world as some sort of gigantic production system, capable of ever-increasing outputs for our benefit – at no cost."

The Prince is determined to inform the world of the impact big businesses are having on our environment and the urgent changes that must be made in order to save the Earth from total destruction. Prince Charles is an organic farmer who believes humans have become severely disconnected from nature as a result of our obsession with technological advancement and economic growth. Hopefully he's got a great celebrity PR team so that this documentary will get as much attention if not more than other made for TV "green films" and books.


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