Executive Compensation Is PR Nightmare

Executive Compensation Is PR NightmareExecutive Compensation has already become a PR Nightmare for anyone involved in trying to make the economic mess get smaller. It doesn't matter that the public doesn't understand that the executives at AIG could have sued the government if they hadn't been paid those large compensation packages. It doesn't matter that it could have cost 2 times as much as it did to just pay them off. The public are drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and clipping coupons, and the guys that helped put us in the whole are getting massive pay outs.
AIG has already taken some PR advice and decided to change its name to AIU Securities or something like that. They also took their location down from the internet so people will stop chanting death threats outside the downtown New York office building. The Public Relations strategies have been narrowed down to changing the name of the company and hiding the bulding from public. That's about as bad a PR assignment you can get.
There may be no mercy and no turning back for AIG, but President Obama is not taking any hits with his public relations. Timothy Geithner is taking some heavy shots, but was actually able to explain himself a little better than he had in the first couple weeks we saw him in front of a camera.


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