
Showing posts from December, 2009

Nestle's Marketing Mishap

It’s no mystery – children are probably the pickiest eaters on the face of the earth. If the food is not dripping with chocolate or sugar, chances are that they wouldn’t event look at it. I speak from experience, as my childhood was filled with chocolate chip cookies and Reese’s Butter Cups to my mother’s dismay, and I ran away whenever I saw anything that was or resembled a vegetable. I think its safe to say that children can be the toughest audience to please when it comes to food. In recent times, many food companies have developed product marketing strategies where for food products targeting children and their taste buds, yet still offer a good amount of nutrients and vitamins that would be sufficient to a growing child. Take food company giant, Nestle , who decided to revamp some of its promotion for one of its products, Juicy Juice. Nestle marketed the juice to have brain development benefits, low-sugar content, and finally, is 100% pure juice. Nestle also mar...